Not a ‘bucket list’, because none of us are going to be kicking it any time soon.
But a summary of all things summery; a wish list for a honey-sweet July and August, and a plea to the good weather Gods who oversee southern France.
Press play to join me.
(Did I already tell you about my tree pruning obsession in the last one of these? I’m thinking now that I did… in which case, just take this as further evidence of just how embarrassingly enthusiastic I am about the task! 🙈)
I loved loved loved this audio postcard. ♥️
1) nap as often as necessary
2) read fiction
3) write
4) forest bathe as a family (translation: immerse in the quietude of trees)
5) take photos of my kids who are growing closer to not wanting to hang out with mom and dad
6) finish watching all the Star Wars series with my boy