Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
Being a multi-hatted freelancer, with Anna Codrea-Rado

Being a multi-hatted freelancer, with Anna Codrea-Rado


  • Anna and I discuss the difference between the business of writing, and the writing of writing

  • The fear that so many of us feel of showing up, and putting ourselves out there or “being seen to try”. Anna says this is “straight-up embarrassment,” and we feel this way whenever we step outside the norm (even if we are embarrassed for positive reasons, like receiving a compliment)

  • But in addition to this, she says that what holds us back, post-pandemic, is “very low emotional reserves.” All of us have a lower baseline of resilience which makes pitching scarier, and rejection harder to take

  • Recognising when you’re in burnout (and remembering that you don’t have to have all the answers before you’re allowed to help anyone else!)

  • Defining freelancing and the many roles that freelancers need to play. Learning to be both boss and employee, and knowing when to shift between these modes

  • Seeking a balance between working ON the business versus IN the business. Anna says she spends 20 percent of her time actually writing… but she’s working on increasing this!

  • The bonkers (Anna’s word but I wholeheartedly agree!) system that rewards creative people for doing a good job by making them managers - a completely different skill-set and a role that a lot of creative people don’t actually aspire to take on

  • Working with people in your business from a place of collaboration, rather than management

  • Getting comfortable with sales (and moving on from the door-to-door salesman stereotype)

  • “Dirty capitalism” versus “clean capitalism” (in other words, the conflict-that-shouldn’t-be-a-conflict of doing the right thing while also making money)



  • Anna’s podcast, Is this working?  Which she co-hosts with Tiffany Philippou

  • Anna on Twitter (she’s @annacod)

Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
A podcast for dreamers, makers and creatives who want to grow their online business without having to sell their soul.
In each episode, certified coach and UK Instagram Expert Sara Tasker and her guests share inspiring stories, practical strategies and social media insights to help you create the life, presence and business of your dreams.