Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
Connecting to Your Creative Courage, with Maressa Fernandez

Connecting to Your Creative Courage, with Maressa Fernandez

Things We Talk About In This Episode:

  • The business idea that grew out of Maressa’s own creative slump

  • How important it is to value creativity (Maressa says it’s the uniqueness that makes us human) even if the people around us - and society in general - don’t recognise the value

  • The challenge of finding the balance on Instagram (and elsewhere) between “what I want to share” and “what people want”

  • Developing an Instagram account that creates space for you to be a whole person, and that can evolve alongside your interests

  • How talking to camera on video became a way for Maressa to make her content more accessible to people with visual and hearing disabilities

  • The way in which Maressa uses her platform to talk about anti-racism, in a way that started out from a need to share and evolved into a process of very personal and vulnerable education

  • Talking to our children about racism (“we need to see colour in order to see privilege”)

  • Maressa’s Patreon space: why she started it, how she structures it, and how creating a paid space enabled Maressa to start valuing herself, and helped members of her community likewise value themselves

  • The difference between consciously selling, versus sharing with genuine excitement about what we are doing

  • Parenting and creativity, and how Maressa models the creative life to her children

Links mentioned in this episode:

Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
A podcast for dreamers, makers and creatives who want to grow their online business without having to sell their soul.
In each episode, certified coach and UK Instagram Expert Sara Tasker and her guests share inspiring stories, practical strategies and social media insights to help you create the life, presence and business of your dreams.