Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
Dreaming about what you're really good at, with Chupi Sweetman

Dreaming about what you're really good at, with Chupi Sweetman

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • Chupi's journey so far, and how she was inspired by her mum

  • Being homeschooled in Ireland

  • Her early years in business, writing a cookbook as a teenager and being scouted for Topshop at 21

  • Working alongside her husband

  • Why you should focus your dream on what you are really good at

  • Why you should employ people who are better at their job than you are

  • How social media has helped Chupi's business grow

  • Winning awards including Irish Tatler Women of the Year Award, and why it can be more powerful to lose

  • The obstacles and prejudices Chupi has faced as a female creative entrepreneur

  • Why creative businesses should be taken seriously

Links mentioned in this episode:

Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
A podcast for dreamers, makers and creatives who want to grow their online business without having to sell their soul.
In each episode, certified coach and UK Instagram Expert Sara Tasker and her guests share inspiring stories, practical strategies and social media insights to help you create the life, presence and business of your dreams.