Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
Managing Self Doubt, With Sas Petherick

Managing Self Doubt, With Sas Petherick

Sas Petherick is a UK-based coach who specialises in helping women experiencing self doubt. I first met her through Instagram a year ago, and was struck by how much insight and wisdom she could drop into the most incidental moments of casual conversation. She also makes me laugh until it hurts. For anyone who's ever felt like an imposter in their own career, or like their self doubt is holding them back in life, this episode is essential listening. I think you're going to love it.

Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
A podcast for dreamers, makers and creatives who want to grow their online business without having to sell their soul.
In each episode, certified coach and UK Instagram Expert Sara Tasker and her guests share inspiring stories, practical strategies and social media insights to help you create the life, presence and business of your dreams.