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Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
Stopping the Glorification of 'Busy', With Jen Carrington

Stopping the Glorification of 'Busy', With Jen Carrington

"We think our worth is from how hard we burn ourselves into the ground." This week I caught up with my friend and creative coach Jen Carrington for one of the whirlwind conversations we always have when we're together. We both talk fast and dive into tangents, so this is a much more informal natter than the usual 'interview' you might be used to here, but it's jam-packed with insight, experience and hopefully, things to make you nod and smile along. Jen and I also share details towards the end of a very exciting new joint podcast project we have planned for the New Year!

Entre Nous
Hashtag Authentic - for creatives, dreamers & business owners online
A podcast for dreamers, makers and creatives who want to grow their online business without having to sell their soul.
In each episode, certified coach and UK Instagram Expert Sara Tasker and her guests share inspiring stories, practical strategies and social media insights to help you create the life, presence and business of your dreams.